A Special “Shout Out” for a Professional Achievement
My business partner, Steve, is great at giving kudos and accolades for the achievements of family members, clients, employees and others in our profession, but not so much when it comes to his own accomplishments.
“What Can I Do To Help?” – Our Response to COVID-19
By Karin Grablin, CPA, CFP® Wealth Advisor at SRQ Wealth These are unusual and uncertain times, to be sure. By now, all of us have been inundated with facts and figures about the Coronavirus, and its impact on the health of our community, our country and the world, both physically and financially.
SRQ Wealth’s Future Home
As many of you know, SRQ Wealth will soon be moving – but this will be our final move! After 23 years in this industry, and 16 owning our own business, we are grateful to finally own a building to call home.