3 Retirement Potholes (and How to Avoid Them)

The retirement planning process is full of potholes – they seem to pop out of nowhere and can do major damage if you’re not careful. In my years as a financial guide, I’ve put in a lot of man-hours helping people avoid financial potholes. The danger is real and the monetary bruises take a w …

What Is the Yield Curve and What Does It Tell Us?

If you’ve paid attention to market prognostications over the last year, you’ve likely heard the term “yield curve.” The yield curve has become the center of attention for explaining the economy and markets, which is why our financial advisors always seem to be answering one question: What i …

Compounding Wealth (and Wisdom)

No single strategy works forever, but you also don’t want to change your approach every time the markets shift slightly. How does investing work – not just for a season or a year or two, but for a lifetime? Time is a major factor when it comes to successful investing.

Qualities to Look for in a Financial Advisor

Deciding on the appropriate financial advisor is critical to one’s financial success. But, which qualities would you like to see in your financial advisor? Read our blog to see what we feel are the most important qualities to consider when selecting a financial advisor.

How to Go from Making Money to Making Money Happen in Retirement

It’s a concept that is all too important as 4 in 10 Americans are at risk of running out of money in retirement. The landscape changes when you retire. Your goal now is to conserve, grow, maintain and otherwise hold onto what you already have. 

The So-Called “Trade War”

You have to read between the headlines to make your financial plan.  Hardly a day goes by without a headline on trade wars, tariffs or trade imbalance. This fervor gets investors and stockbrokers itching to “just do something,” which in turn creates day-to-day volatility.

4 Tips to Take Your 401(k) to the Next Level

The best kind of money isn’t old, new or even tax-advantaged – it’s free money! If your employer has a 401(k) program, they probably have a matching plan. Know what that is and make sure you max it out. They’re essentially giving you money, which you never want to turn down.

Financial Planning Questions Small Business Owners Should Ask Themselves

Foundational decisions you make can save you – or cost you – thousands over time, no matter how many widgets you sell or clients you sign up. There are deep structure questions here that will be the difference between long-term growth or flash-in-the-pan success.

Financial Planning Steps to Get Your Student Ready for College

By Karin Grablin As a parent, preparing your student to be successful in college financially is like walking a fine line between supplying enough support and skills for your child to get by without becoming so involved that he/she can’t fully develop as an independent adult.

5 Steps to Protect Your Identity in the Digital Age

Identity theft is increasingly common and severe in today’s digital world. Although many organizations now provide services for credit monitoring, how can you make sure you’re adequately protected? Also, if you work with industry professionals, how can you feel confident your information is …

How a 529 College Savings Plan Can Help Make Summer Dreams a Reality

I have always loved the feeling of summer. Once Memorial Day celebrations kick off, the atmosphere seems to relax. Sunshine, water and sunscreen seem to be everyone’s focus. Long, warm nights are filled with the sounds of lawn mowers and children laughing.

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